Meet Jeri Black...

Jeri Black lives in southwest Florida with her husband and pet turtle. After countless years working in the hospitality industry, she considers herself an expert on human interaction. A longtime member of RWA, she loves to share her knowledge with aspiring authors. She has served as a category coordinator for the Tampa Area Romance Authors and as contest coordinator for the well-respected Joyce Henderson Contest. Jeri has won and placed in prestigious writing contests and is a 2017 finalist for the coveted Golden Heart Award.
I once saw a t-shirt that said: I write because the voices in my head tell me to. Although the voices in my head aren't quite that bossy, they distract me to the point where I'm forced to give them life on a page. And really, why should I be the only one who has to put up with them?
My personal writing journey has been a long and adventurous one. It took me years to finish my first story because I learned to write with that manuscript. I created this long, sweeping saga without knowing any of the rules. As I grew as an author, the manuscript morphed into a story I'm proud to call my own.
Not only has my writing expanded, but my interests as well. I now write in three genres: historical, contemporary, and young adult. Each has their appeal and their drawbacks, but what is life without challenges to make it interesting?
My philosophy is a simple one. Life is short. There’s enough drama and tragedy in the world. We all need to enjoy ourselves more. The romances I write are flirty and sexy. My heroes are cocky and the heroines feisty.
Reading a book should be like taking a vacation. You get to leave your troubles behind and step into an entirely different world. I hope I’m able to do that for my readers and they consider the time they invest with me well spent.
May your life be filled with endless love, light, and laughter.
Enjoy your journey,
Jeri Black